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DAVID HENSON 817-244-8444
REPAIRS and advice on buying a piano - One should avoid buying a SPINET piano because they are more expensive to work on. Click here to see the difference between a Console and Spinet. Due to the position of the "drop" action they are more time consuming to do even the smallest adjustments or repairs to. It was the piano industries biggest embarrassment and mistake. They were finally taken off the market, being too hard to service, etc..
If the SPINET was given to you, don't hesitate to give it away to somebody else right away. With CONSOLES or STUDIO UPRIGHTS, where the action sits on top of the keys, minor repairs may be free since some can be done in the process of tuning. (Example: sticking keys is usually minor). I will give you an estimate before any major repair. Most repairs are at $45 per hour labor and might or might not include cost of parts. To forever end the problem of sticking keys, simply install a dehumidifier. Call or write for price quote on a dehumidifier.
When considering the purchase of a used Grand or Vertical piano only one made since the late 1950's should be considered, unless you want to spend $$ on restoration. Most Pianos from the late 50's to late 80's are still in fairly good shape if they have been kept in a good climate. Pianos older than that need to be checked more closely for rust on strings & tuning pins, loose tuning pins, cracks at bridge pins or split soundboards, broken action parts, worn out hammers, etc. The older the Piano, the more work needed on it. To determine the date of mfg. plus information about the piano's Name history send me the PIANO NAME and SERIAL # from inside the piano, usually found on the plate near the top of a Vertical or front of a Grand. If there is no Serial # to be found on the piano then there has been no record kept by the manufacturer.
Age of Piano
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