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DAVID HENSON 817-244-8444
Click here to see why high-tensile steel wire is used for a piano. [PDF]
STANDARD A-440 PITCH "Pitch" is where your piano is in relation to the standard A-440. The Audible Spectrum chart visually demonstrates this. Without yearly tuning the whole piano can fall half a note or more in 5-10 years. The higher treble notes are the quickest to go out of tune because of their shortness in length (relative to their diameter and tension). PITCH RAISING is sometimes necessary and should be done 3-4 days prior to tuning. Nothing can be done to overcome the laws of physics and make possible both pitch correction and fine tuning in one day.
A piano which has fallen half a note (50 cents) below standard pitch (A-440), cannot be brought up with just one tuning. It will begin falling immediately. This is high-tensile carbon steel wire which is very elastic. The natural tendency of piano wire is to go back to where it has been over time. (Conversely, if you lower the pitch it will go back up - sharp). Newly strung pianos must be raised constantly the first few weeks for this reason. What must happen is to overcome the resilience and stretch the wire until equalized throughout the entire length of the string. Equalization/stabilization cannot take place in one day because of this tempered 'spring steel' material, which is held in check at several bearing and pressure points located along the path of the string.
A 440
Audible Spectrum
Pianos not only sound better at A44O, but most music will be more readily distinguished by the characteristics of certain major and minor keys. Those mentioned by Helmholtz, the scientist of aesthetics, in his research on the sensation of tone and perception of sound.
A440 Characteristics
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