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                 DAVID HENSON            817-244-8444

Regulation of the action.  The consistency of the action is restored and maintained by adjusting the thousands of interacting parts. To ensure a precision action where the parts will work accurately, efficiently and quietly, they will need to be adjusted from time to time. Eventual small changes occur that slow the responsiveness and increase friction of the moving parts, making the keys sluggish,  irregular, or even non-playable.  



The keyboard and action has thousands of individual parts.  It is a precision instrument.  Regulation and adjustment of the ACTION, KEYBOARD (operation and heighth level of keys) and PEDALS brings everything back to it's original optimal design.  Only with a perfectly regulated and tuned instrument,  can you enjoy the best musical performance. The condition of the piano influences listening and playing habits consciously or unconsciously.

Renner video

Most consumers are not aware of this, that there are scores of Piano manufacturers but only a handful of action manufacturers.  Pratt Read & Co., Schwander, Renner are a few of them and each has it's own design and parts. The action is custom built by them to fit the Piano manufacturer's piano design, style and model.  Most every German Piano uses a Renner action.

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